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    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread help charing.
      I responded to you in your previous thread... "Tesla wall chargers may need a setting adjustment to charge non-Tesla EVs, check if...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Help.
      Tesla wall chargers may need a setting adjustment to charge non-Tesla EVs, check if "Allow Non-Tesla Charging" is enabled in the charger...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread BMW's Q3 numbers.
      BMW’s shift toward EVs is clear, but the drop in overall sales is surprising. Maybe they’ll double down on EVs or adjust their PHEV...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Wall box recommendations.
      Hey! I’ve had great success with the ChargePoint Home Flex and Wallbox Pulsar Plus, both offer adjustable power levels and are...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Charging won't start.
      Did you check if the charging schedule was still active in your car’s settings, or could something have interfered with the connection...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Seats are stuck.
      It could be a stuck mechanism or a fuse issue, you can try checking the seat tracks for any debris.
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Chargepoint app.
      It sounds like you made the right move selecting AC J1772 under Custom, while the i5 supports both DC Fast Combo and AC J1772...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Need subwoofer tips for my i5 M60!.
      A sub definitely fills that gap. I’d recommend checking out custom sub kits for the i4 or going with a powered subwoofer, for wiring...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Any tips for my trip?.
      Thanks for the tips, I’ll check out those apps for DC fast chargers. I’m also considering charging in between stops just to be safe. Any...
    • J
      Jamie replied to the thread Frunkless.
      BMW likely skipped the frunk in the i5 due to space constraints for electronics, motor, and battery systems, prioritizing function over...
    • J
      I will be off on a 420-mile trip next Saturday, on my new i5. Range anxiety hits harder than my coffee in the morning, I mean can we...
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