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  1. F

    Who’s interested in M60 i5?

    If you're looking for a bigger car, how about considering crossovers or SUV instead? It's much more spacious than the i5.
  2. F

    Enhancing our BMW i5 experience with door LED projector lights

    Thanks guys! I saw one online but I'm not entirely sure if this fits the i5.
  3. F

    For VTEC lovers out here, b series or k is the way?

    So I'm currently using a sohc D series in my EK, but I'm considering upgrading to a dohc setup. Everyone claims that the K-series is superior to the B-series, but is it truly so? Are Ks worth the extra money?
  4. F

    Enhancing our BMW i5 experience with door LED projector lights

    Have you spotted the LED projector lights under the doors of some BMW i5 models? I've come across a few and I'm intrigued. Are these available for all i5 models? I'd appreciate any insights or information on this! just a sample pic from google

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