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  1. B

    Unlocking the i5 xDrive40's potential

    Whoa, I’ve never seen anyone pull that off before! Cracking the BMW software sounds like a wild ride. Are you really aiming for 400 kW from your i5? That’s some next-level ambition, my friend! Go big or go home, yeah?
  2. B

    i5 eDrive40 Setting Changes When I Use The Second Key

    Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time with your i5. If this keeps happening, you might wanna think about getting a new key or hitting up your dealer for some reprogramming. Just to clarify, though - using your first key is all smooth sailing, yeah?
  3. B

    Why did I quit going for BMW? Fooled twice

    Ah man, I’m really sorry to hear about your experience - it sounds so frustrating! It’s such a bummer how these big corporations often prioritize their image over customer well-being, even when things aren't right. Here’s hoping your next car journey is way smoother! You deserve that!

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