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  1. R

    Just wondering what happens to the battery if left baking in the summer sun for two weeks

    Parking in the shade or using a sunshade for the windows can help minimize heat buildup. It's good to be cautious, but the battery management systems are pretty solid in modern cars. Just don’t worry too much!
  2. R

    i4 vs i5 Dilemma

    The i5 does seem like the smarter choice in the long run, but I’ve been thinking about the i4 for so long that it feels like I’m betraying it, haha. I guess I’ll have to see how the i4 allocation shakes out and weigh the pros and cons some more. Decisions, decisions!
  3. R

    i5 driver restraint system message

    I’d definitely say get it checked out! Problems with the restraint system or seat sensors can mess with your safety features, and that's not something you wanna risk.
  4. R

    BMW's Q3 numbers

    BMW’s EV numbers are holding up strong, but that 13% drop in total sales? Kinda weird! The electric shift is definitely in full swing, but it’s also showing that the demand for gas cars and hybrids is starting to fade. I’m curious if BMW will keep pushing hard on EVs or try to keep things...
  5. R

    i4 vs i5 Dilemma

    Okay, so I'm in a bit of a pickle. Pre-ordered the i5, but also have an i4 reservation from ages ago. Honestly, the i5 feels like the better overall deal. I'm already looking at around 75k+ for the i4, so is an extra 10% for all the extra fancy stuff on the i5 really that nuts? I'm so close to...

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