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  1. L

    Waiting anxiously

    Thank you. I love regenerative breaking and 1 pedal driving. 4 years experience with Tesla EV!
  2. L

    What does this "Ultimate Care" mean?

    ? Oil and spark plugs. Hopefully not in an EV.
  3. L

    Is the prepaid service plan worth it?

    I am coming to BMW i5 from Tesla. Brakes never touched in 3+ years of ownership. Tires rotated regularly as heavy cars burn through tires. Air filters changed at 2 years. I doubt a service plan is worth the cost. Usually the add on plans are profit makers for dealership.
  4. L

    Waiting anxiously

    Awaiting arrival of my i5 x drive 40. Making switch from Tesla M3. Politics aside, I was sold by car construction and comfort. I’m a bit anxious about the reduced mileage since I live in cold upper Midwest. I home charge and primarily local driver so lessons learned from previous EV should help...

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