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  1. R

    Are the Charging Estimates Too Downbeat?

    For me, that timing is always on point! The app indicates 14:00, and sure enough, it’s done right on the dot. I’ve never bothered to check the car while it’s charging though.
  2. R

    BMW i5 Alexa Integration?

    Yep, it totally works with i5! Just hit up the third-party software section in the app, and it'll send you to a webpage. There’s no Alexa button in the app itself, so just set it up through iDrive.
  3. R

    Leasing i5

    i’m really sorry to hear about the accident, but it’s such a relief to know your son’s okay. It’s crazy how much those safety features can make a difference, yeah? My family’s had some pretty intense close calls with BMWs too, which is why I’ve been a die-hard fan for over 25 years. Seriously...
  4. R

    Magic Dock Charging Experience

    Just had my first go with the Magic Dock at a Tesla Supercharger and I’ve gotta say, I’m pretty impressed! Hooking it up was a breeze, and the charging speed was pretty solid - got a good charge in no time. The only hiccup was that the charging rate seemed to slow down a bit at the end. Anyone...

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