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  1. H

    BMW i5 Fast Charging Speed

    Been looking into this charging speed thing, and it seems like it's influenced by a few factors. The lower your battery is, the faster it'll charge initially. And temperature plays a role too. BMW's charging curve is a bit slower to protect the battery, but other cars might charge faster...
  2. H

    Magic Dock Charging Experience

    I've been using the Magic Dock for a while now, and I've had a pretty good experience too. Just remember that it's not always going to charge at top speed, especially if you're starting with a low battery. It's usually around 20-30 minutes from 20-30% to 80%. I personally don't mind...
  3. H

    Is it okay to leave flexible charger plugged in?

    I'm thinking about leaving my flexible charger permanently plugged into a 240V outlet indoors. Does anyone see any issues with this? I'm worried about potential fire hazards or damage to the charger.

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