Charging issues with BMW i5

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I've been having some really strange issues with my BMW i5's charging lately. No matter how many times I set it to charge immediately, it always reverts to a timed charge slot and shuts down charging within seconds. I've also noticed that the max AC amps keep resetting to 6A, even though I've set them to 40A.

On top of that, the charging flap has been acting really weird. Sometimes it opens fine, but other times it just won't budge. I've found that the only way to get it to work is to start the car and drive a few feet.

I'm starting to think there's something seriously wrong with my car, but I'm hoping someone else has experienced this and can offer some advice. Has anyone else had these issues with their i5?
Have you tried unplugging the charger for 5 minutes, then plugging it back in? You could also try doing a hard reset on your car.
Looks like you might be dealing with a little software hiccup. Check for software updates through the app or dealership, they could totally sort out your charging settings. And for that flap issue, swinging by a service center for a look-see might be your best bet. Good luck!

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