BMW id profiles question

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Hi everyone!

I am new to this forum. I have this question. In a shared BMW i5 M60, how does the car decide which BMW ID profile to use when multiple key fobs are present? Is there a way to manually select a profile for a trip without affecting the other driver’s settings? Looking for the best way to keep seat positions and tech preferences personalized. Any insights? I would really appreciate it!
I think it is based on the location of the key fob. Think about it like the car knows where the key fob is and which profile is linked to that key fob.
The i5 M60 typically prioritizes the last-used key, to manually select a profile, go to the iDrive settings and switch profiles before driving, that way, you keep your preferences without affecting others.
It seems like the BMW has a smart system that can tell who’s in the driver's seat. I’ve got a digital key and my wife does too. The car always knows who’s behind the wheel. Pretty sure it’s all thanks to its geo-location feature doing its thing!

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