i5 M60 Hidden Seat Adjustments

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Just figured out some secret seat tweaks on my i5 M60! Turns out you can adjust thigh support, move the seat forward and back, and mess with the bolsters. To find these hidden settings, hit the Seat icon on the "interaction bar" on the door, then use the i-drive wheel to tweak things.

Anyone else know about these hidden settings? I don’t get why they buried these options in the menu. I like tweaking my seat while driving, and digging through a menu is just risky with all the looking and poking around. Why not just slap on a knob like the others, right? Way easier that way!
Seriously, I’ve got a ton of seat settings, but once I find the one I like, I just don’t bother with the rest. So yeah, the button? Totally useless for me.