Missing Bumper Cover on i5 eDrive 40

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A bit of a frustrating issue with my new i5 eDrive 40. There's a 2-inch rectangular hole in the front bumper on the passenger side where a small cover used to be. The dealer wants a ridiculous price to replace it! They're blaming it on a car wash or theft, but I'm pretty sure it just fell off.

I've got extra insurance from the dealer, but they're saying it doesn't cover this. I'm thinking BMW should step in and replace it for free.
That sounds extremely irritating! It's a bummer when something like this happens and you're left with a large repair bill. If you believe the cover simply came off, it might be a good idea to challenge the dealer’s claim. It might be a good idea to reach out to BMW customer service directly—they could provide some help or at least guide you to the right place. Since you have extra insurance, take a moment to review the details to ensure everything is covered just as you expect it to be. Every now and then, a little bit of determination can really make a difference. Wishing you the best, and I really hope everything gets sorted out smoothly for you!
@Estean_Andi yep, I know it is frustrating. It didn't happen to me but to my sister. And thinking it is such a minor part... it makes it more frustrating.
I agree with @AnnabelleMI06. Contact BMW customer service. Sometimes, going straight to the manufacturer can get you further than dealing with the dealership alone. Another thing I would do is check if there have been any similar complaints from other i5 owners. This could give you more leverage when you discuss the issue with BMW.
And while the insurance might not cover it, if you can prove the piece fell off due to a defect, it could still be worth pushing for a replacement. Do you know how much would cost you if you had to pay for the replacement?